Our Tiny Garden: October 2020


October delivered plenty of rain though with occasional glimpses of sun to accentuate the Autumn colours. We managed to get away for a week to the Peak District which provided a welcome break from the now well established routines of our pandemic disrupted year. Between the weather and the holiday, time spent in the garden was limited but I still managed to capture a few images.

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Our Tiny Garden: September 2020


September delivered the last hurrah of summer with some lovely warm weather and dwindling opportunities to dry washing outside, as it gave way to more Autumnal temperatures. Many of the flowers that had carried us through the summer months were starting to fade but I added a few late additions to extend the season.

Washing Line
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Our Tiny Garden: April 2020


April 2020 has been a full month of pandemic lockdown in the UK. The garden has been a genuine haven during this time – a place to relax, play with our little boy, and dry the seemingly endless laundry! At odds with April’s reputation for showers and unpredictable weather, it’s been almost wall-to-wall sunshine which has been a blessing, and such a contrast with the endless rain of February. I had always aimed to focus on the details of the garden with this project, but lockdown has brought a greater intensity, and I have used this as a thinly veiled excuse to buy a new macro lens for my camera. Some early attempts at using it are included but expect more from that as the year progresses.

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Our Tiny Garden: March 2020


When I decided to embark on this project to post 20 photos of our garden each month during 2020, I’d thought it would be a nice way to practice my photography and appreciate the little details over the course of the seasons. Now that we are at the end of March and, like many countries, the UK is in lockdown following the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, it seems to have taken on a whole new meaning. It’s likely that this little green space at the back of our house is going play a very large part in our lives for the next few weeks, or even months, and I’ve honestly never been so grateful to have a garden or be a gardener.

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Making the most of small outdoor spaces

Gardening magazines and programmes often depict gardening in expansive country settings where all manner of styles and features can be accommodated.  However for many people living in towns and cities outdoor space is at a premium, sometimes awkwardly shaped, and often enclosed with extremes of sun or shade.  Much as I love visiting and reading about beautiful gardens in impressive estates, there is something fascinating about the challenge of accommodating greenery in much more limited spaces.  This blog focusses on ways to make the most of small outdoor spaces. Continue reading